Life Goals


Preparing for Pregnancy

Even before you become pregnant, your health matters to your future baby. It is important to adopt good health habits and take care of any health problems you have before conception.

Deciding you’re ready for a baby is a huge and exciting step. Now make sure your body is in the best condition to get pregnant and carry a healthy child.

Healthy Habits

Get In Shape

Studies have shown that being both underweight and overweight can have an effect on fertility and fetal health. Talk with your healthcare provider to determine what your ideal weight is and what steps you need to take to get there.


Researcher has found that pregnancy was more likely to occur during months when couples reported that they felt good and relaxed, and less likely during months when the couples felt tense or depressed.

Control Your Diet

To start your pregnancy off right, eat foods from each of the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, lean proteins (like chicken, eggs, and beans), and dairy products. Avoid foods high in fat and sugar.

Check Medications

Go through your list of medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, with your health care provider to make sure none of them would be harmful to the pregnancy or prevent conception.

Useful Resources


Useful Resources


Calcium keeps your reproductive system functioning smoothly and may even help you conceive faster. It’s important to start before conception, because you’ll need a stable supply for your child's future teeth and bone health and development.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C, calcium and potassium. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vitamin C from citrus fruits can also help your body better absorb iron from non-meat sources.


Green vegetables are high in folate, a B vitamin that a few studies have shown may improve ovulation. Men who get higher doses of folate make healthier sperm, potentially reducing the chances of miscarriage or birth defects.


Seafood and fish are filled with protein, vitamins and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients when you're on a pre-pregnancy diet. Be careful to avoid fish high in heavy metal mercury, a toxin that can damage the nervous system.

Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason it will.