
When battling diabetes, the kidneys work exceptionally hard to filter excess sugar from your blood. This results in fluids being drawn from other parts of the body, meaning dehydration is a standout symptom of the condition.

We are not only committed to providing a safe, healthy way to balance your body’s use of fluids, but also to equipping you with the best nutrients available to keep you functioning at your highest capacity.

Useful Resources


Useful Resources

Leafy Greens

Green, leafy vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, while having a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Studies have found that eating leafy vegetables is helpful for people with diabetes, due to their high antioxidant contents and starch-digesting enzymes.

Whole Grains

Eating a diet high in fiber is important for people with diabetes because fiber slows the digestion process. A slower absorption of nutrients helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Whole wheat and whole grains may also have less of an impact on blood sugar than white breads and rice.


Beans are an excellent source of plant-based protein, and they can satisfy the appetite while helping people reduce their carbohydrate intake. Beans are also low on the glycemic index (GI) scale and are better for blood sugar regulation than many other starchy foods.

Citrus Fruits

Eating citrus fruits can be a great way to get vitamins and minerals without any carbohydrates, and research has shown that they can be beneficial for people with diabetes. Two bioflavonoid antioxidants, called hesperidin and naringin, are responsible for their antidiabetic effects.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.