IV Drips


Hydration On the Go

This cocktail is a reduced variant of our standard hydration drip for those who need quick relief from dehydration symptoms. Even if you’re on the move, you deserve a chance to keep yourself healthy and hydrated.

This drip contains half of our regular dose of normal saline to alleviate light dehydration and keep you in motion.

Drip Benefits

Improves Physical Wellness

Proper hydration results in better muscle and bone health, making you capable of more frequent physical activity throughout the day.

Aids Digestion

Healthy hydration helps your digestive system to break down the food you eat more easily, reducing feelings of bloating and even nausea after eating or drinking.

Improves Skin

Water keeps your skin glowing by flushing out impurities and toxins that dull your skin from the body. It is a major factor in reducing wrinkles and dry skin.

Supports Immune System

Hydration plays a vital role in boosting the immune system in several ways that include flushing out toxins and transporting oxygen through the body.




Normal Saline

Normal saline is an instrumental part of fighting dehydration. It contains sodium and chlorine, making it useful in the replacement of lost fluid and prevention electrolyte imbalances.

Normal Saline

Normal saline is an instrumental part of fighting dehydration. It contains sodium and chlorine, making it useful in the replacement of lost fluid and prevention electrolyte imbalances.

Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well.