B12 Shot

Part of living a healthy life is maintaining your body’s ability to distribute your natural fuel supply. Vitamin B12 is used for several functions including developing our central nervous system and forming our red blood cells. It’s also instrumental in synthesizing our DNA, which makes it a key component of healing and fertility.

B12 is most commonly found in animal-based food such as fish and eggs, though it is often integrated into fortified foods like breakfast cereal. This makes B12 injections a great way to resupply on this essential resource, especially for those with diets that exclude meat or dairy products.

Recommended Drips

Energy Quench

This cocktail helps to reduce fatigue and increase energy by improving your body's ability to convert nutrients into fuel.

Stomach Boost

The Stomach Boost drip is primarily used to combat nausea, headaches, and stomach infections.

Immunity Boost

Vitamin B12 is an important part of supporting your immune system, which is why it is an important part of our immunity boost.

Weight Loss Boost

Studies have shown that B12 can increase fat metabolism, and deficiencies of B12 have been linked to weight gain and obesity..

Other Sources


Other Sources

Fortified Cereals

Many cereal manufacturers fortify their products with B12 and other important nutrients. This source of vitamin B12 may work especially well for vegetarians and vegans, as it’s synthetically made and not derived from animal sources.

Non-Dairy Milk

While oat, soy, almond, and rice milks are not naturally high in vitamin B12, they are usually fortified, making them an excellent source of this vitamin.


Research has shown that egg yolks have higher levels of vitamin B12 than egg whites, as well as that the vitamin B12 in egg yolks is easier to absorb. Therefore, it’s recommended to eat whole eggs.

Organ Meats

Organ meats are some of the most nutritious available because B12 and other natural vitamins are synthesized from within. Liver and kidneys, especially from lamb, are rich in vitamin B12.

One thing that does seem to be clear is that health and happiness are connected, more so than we’re often aware.