Tri-Immune Shot

The goal of any healthy immune system is to operate so efficiently that you don’t notice how hard it works to protect you from external threats. Your immune system is made up of many moving parts, which may need support keep the machine running smoothly.

Our tri-immune injection contains Zinc, Vitamin C, and Glutathione, which are three of the most important lubricants for a healthy immune system. Each of them can also be integrated into a well-balanced diet.

Recommended Drips

Immunity Boost

Naturally, our immunity cocktail contains our highest concentration of the vitamins available in the Tri-Immune mixture..


Our recovery drip includes vitamin C and glutathione to increase recovery speed and reduce inflammation.

NAD+ Boost

The NAD+ Boost strengthens your immune system to recover your body from cravings and addiction.


The All-Inclusive cocktail is a great solution for immune support, among other broad health benefits.

Other Sources


Other Sources


Many people use roots like turmeric and ginger at the first sign of sickness, hoping to enhance immune function and avoid cold or flu symptoms. Some research shows that ginger, in particular, may possess powerful immune-boosting properties.


Routine physical activity may help flush harmful bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness.


Sleep provides essential support to the immune system. Getting sufficient sleep enables a well-balanced immune defense that features strong adaptive immunity, efficient response to vaccines, and less severe allergic reactions.

Fermented Foods

The bacteria that live in your gut have a significant impact on your immune system. Due to their high probiotic content, fermented foods like kombucha, greek yogurt, and tofu can give your immune system a boost and reduce your risk of infections like the common cold.

A fit, healthy body – that is the best fashion statement.