
Headaches, nausea, and fatigue are your body’s way of telling you it needs to rebalance. Hydration is the first step in returning your senses to normal, and is a powerful tool against hangovers and exhaustion.

The Reboot drip contains normal saline, mineral blend, Vita-Complex, and Zofran to replenish your body’s fluids and keep you refreshed.

Drip Benefits

Reboot & Replenish

This cocktail can help replenish your body and fight against hangover-related symptoms like dehydration, headache, and nausea.

Optimal Cell Hydration

To help your body return to a more energized state, you need hydration beyond the digestive system. Each area of the body needs to be rejuvenated.

Increases Alertness

The Reboot drip can help return you back to business as alert and attentive as you should be, while avoiding loss of energy and grogginess.

Decrease Headache and Nausea

Healthy hydration will keep your head and stomach feeling normal, and the Reboot contains medication that reduces headache and nausea symptoms.

Drip Ingredients


Drip Ingredients

Mineral Blend

Our mineral blend contains essential nutrients that keep your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. These nutrients also aid in metabolism and water balance, decreasing dehydration.

Vita Complex

This mixture contains the five B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), which helps keep the skin and blood cells healthy, and enhances the body’s ability to convert nutrients into energy.


This is a medication which is primarily used to relieve vomiting and nausea. It is also effective relief for gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS or Celiac Disease.

Normal Saline

Normal saline is an instrumental part of fighting dehydration. It contains sodium and chlorine, making it useful in the replacement of lost fluid and prevention electrolyte imbalances.

Today is your day to start fresh, to eat right, to train hard, to live healthy, to be proud.