Inner Beauty Olympia+

Your hair, skin, and nails serve important roles in your physical appearance as well as your overall health. Their strength comes from your ability to produce and maintain proteins that protect them from damage and deterioration.

To assist your body in retaining the nutrients you need to maintain the growth of these important structures, this IV hydration treatment includes normal saline, Vita-Complex, vitamin C, biotin, and glutathione.

Drip Benefits

Hair, Skin & Nails

This drip contains high-quality compounds that can fortify hair, strengthen nails, reduce wrinkles and repair skin from the inside.

Increases Energy

When you are hydrated, your body is more capable of processing incoming nutrients and transforming them into energy.

Enhances Metabolism

An enhanced metabolism will help your body process carbs, fat, and protein to stay youthful.

Strengthens Immunity

This cocktail contains several essential vitamins that reinforce the body's immune functions and fight external threats.

Drip Ingredients


Drip Ingredients

Vitamin B12

B12 is the B-Vitamin most notable for its role in maintaining optimal neurological function. The vitamin is associated with preventing memory loss and improving concentration, as well as boosting energy levels.


These vitamins are best known for their role in promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails. They reduce free radicals in the body that contribute to aging, resulting in a healthier, younger appearance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays many essential roles, helping maintain muscles, bones, immune support, and the circulatory system. It also helps the body produce collagen, which can reduce stretch marks and accelerate the healing process.


Magnesium is a common mineral that maintains nerve and muscle function, bone strength, blood sugar, blood pressure, and energy. It also supports the immune system, regulates heartbeat, and aids in the production of proteins.

Normal Saline

Normal saline is an instrumental part of fighting dehydration. It contains sodium and chlorine, making it useful in the replacement of lost fluid and prevention electrolyte imbalances.

He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.