Life Goals


Having a Healthy Pregnancy

Once you know that you're pregnant, it becomes more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. You can reduce the risk of complications and deliver a healthier baby by taking extra steps to ensure the well-being of you and this new life.

Making sure you're taking care of two will provide the best conditions for your health, your fetus and your childbirth experience. The best way to stay safe during this delicate period is to set simple, achievable goals.

Healthy Habits

Get Exercise

A good exercise routine can help prevent aches and help you handle the physical stress of labor. It will also make getting into shape after childbirth much easier.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Everything that goes through your body reaches your baby, but it's also important to consider the effects certain chemicals can have on a system that is still developing.

Stay Hydrated

Consistent, healthy hydration can potentially ward off a lot of pregnancy problems, including preterm labor, urinary tract infections, and constipation.

Wear Sunscreen

Your skin is more susceptible to sunburn and dark spots on the face when you are pregnant, so it’s important to apply a sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 and avoid tanning beds.

Useful Resources


Useful Resources


Adding spices to meals is not just about boosting flavor—many can also boost antioxidant and inflammatory properties that increase brain health.

Plant-Based Foods

Many vegetables are great sources of fiber, and high-fiber diets have been linked to reduced risk of anxiety, stress and depression due to fiber’s anti-inflammatory effect.

Vitamin D

Spending time in the sun every day is not only beneficial because it feels relaxing – it is also a primary source of Vitamin D, which is heavily associated with improved moods.

Get Up & Go

The Get Up & Go drip supports metabolism and increases energy to help you focus on the bright future that lies in front of you.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.