Stop Drinking

The easiest way to know if you need to quit drinking alcohol is to try to stop. Depending on your success, you may find that drinking is strongly embedded in your day-to-day lifestyle. In that moment, you may become determined to make a change.

If you are hydrated, your body feels the need to drink less at one time. However, hydration alone can't cure a total dependency. You will need to make use of other ways to support your healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Habits

Change Your Circle

If a lifestyle free of alcohol doesn't suit the people you currently surround yourself with, find friends that support new activites.

Find Outlets

Take a walk, play a sport, or go out with your friends more often. When you're at home, pick up a new hobby or revisit an old one.

Keep Drinks Away

Drinking is often just as much a matter of convenience as it is a matter of habit. Keeping drinks out of reach helps remove temptations.

Ask for Support

Let friends and family members know that you need their support. Your doctor, counselor, or therapist may also be able to offer help.

Useful Resources


Useful Resources

Chicken and Fish

Protein is a source of long-lasting energy that can boost your mood and make you feel better in no time. Eating healthy proteins can increase the quality of your sleep and your overall mood, so avoiding alcohol will become easier.


Another food type that can help you control or decrease alcohol cravings is dairy. If eaten in moderate amounts, it’ll provide you with high protein, vitamin D and minerals like potassium to keep you full.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are rich in fibre, which is crucial for the body when going through withdrawal. Not only does fiber take longer to digest, reducing hunger cravings, but it also gives a slow release of sugars, keeping your blood sugar at a steady level and helping to prevent mood swings.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds raise your dopamine levels. Dopamine crashes are one of the leading causes of alcohol cravings in recovering alcoholics, so raising them is an excellent way to protect yourself from dependency.

Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you have no strength.